Polytrauma - Minneapolis VA Health Care System

The Minneapolis Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center is one of 5 facilities in the country designed to provide intensive rehabilitative care to Veterans and Servicemembers who experienced severe injuries (including brain injuries) to more than one organ system. Their Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program (PTRP) is one of four facilities in the country designed to return a Veteran or Servicemember, with TBI or polytrauma, to the least restrictive environment in the community with meaningful daily activities including return to active duty, work and school, independent living, or supported living.

One Veterans Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55417
(612) 725-2000
Toll Free
(866) 414-5058
Polytrauma Admissions and Referral Contact: Stacy Tepper, (LCSW, CASWCM)
(612) 467-3235