
Check to see what you've learned with this brief post-test. If you do not complete the test in one sitting, you'll need to start again from the beginning.

True or False: The diagnosis of concussion (mild traumatic brain injury or mTBI) does not require establishing that the patient must have a loss of consciousness.


Which of the following is the most common cause of concussion/mTBI among America’s Armed Forces serving in Iraq or Afghanistan:

Gunshot wounds to head
Blasts from IEDs (improvised explosive devices)
Vehicle accidents
Hand-to-hand combat

Which of the following signs is typical of the acute presentation of concussion/mTBI?

Loss or alteration of consciousness
Memory problems
Loss of balance
Disorientation or slowed thinking
All of the above

Which of the following is not a common presenting sign or symptom in patients with long-lasting effects of concussion/mTBI?

Intrusive memories

Which of the following signs or symptoms is more consistent with PTSD than with concussion/mTBI?

Increased startle response
Reduced alcohol tolerance
Increased sensitivity to light

True or False: A majority of patients who incurred a single concussion/mTBI will recover in days or weeks with no lasting ill effects.


Which of the following are not appropriate treatments or advice for concussion/mTBI patients with sleep problems?

Avoiding napping
A glass of wine or beer before bed
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Avoiding heavy meals or exercise before bed

Which of the following are not appropriate treatments or advice for concussion/mTBI patients with headaches?

Keeping a headache diary
Analgesics containing caffeine
Beta blockers